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Prevalence and Determinants of Sleep Apnea in Patients with Stroke

睡眠窒息症是中風及心血管疾病的常見風險因素,部分中風也會影響腦部的呼吸控制中樞,繼而引發睡眠窒息症。近日香港大學中風研究及預防組 (HKU Stroke) 透過文獻整合分析,發現在8000多名中風患者中約27% 患有嚴重睡眠窒息症。若得不到及時的診斷與治療,患有睡眠窒息症的中風患者再中風的機會比一般中風患者更高、日常活動能力和認知能力亦會下降。

Sleep apnea is a well-recognized risk factor for stroke and cardiovascular disease. Certain types of stroke may also lead to sleep apnea by affecting brain regions regulating breathing during sleep. In a recent meta-analysis of more than 8,000 stroke patients, the HKU Stroke Team has found that around 70% of them had sleep apnea, and 27% were classified as severe. Left undiagnosed and untreated, stroke patients with sleep apnea would suffer from worse clinical outcomes such as increased risk of recurrent stroke, reduced mobility and cognitive impairment.

常見的睡眠窒息症症狀為日間嗜睡、容易打瞌睡、睡覺打鼾或出現呼吸暫停、日間專注力和認知能力降低、睡醒後感到頭痛等。此外,年齡超過50歲、頸圍超過40公分、身體質量指數 (BMI) >30、男性,患睡眠窒息症的風險也較高。

The common symptoms of sleep apnea include excessive daytime sleepiness, loud snoring, observed episodes of stopping breathing during sleep, difficulty concentrating during the day, cognitive impairment and headache upon waking up. In addition, people who are having a neck circumference >40cm, body weight index (BMI) >30, and male appear to have a higher risk of sleep apnea.



Sleep apnea has many potential consequences, including an increased risk of stroke, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, atrial fibrillation, metabolic syndrome, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and road traffic accidents.

Therefore, if you have symptoms of sleep apnea, see a Doctor early to get tested and to receive appropriate treatment.


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